If you plan to run a business and are not trading under your own name, you will need to register a business name.
For example: James Smith trading as James Smith does not need to register a business name. James Smith trading as Smith Plumbing or Uluru Plumbing needs to register a business name.
John Smith partners with Jane Smith trading as John Smith & Jane Smith. The partnership does not need to register a business name.
John Smith partners with Jane Smith trading as Smith Interiors. The partnership needs to register a business name.
You can choose to register your business name for either 1 year ($199) or 3 years ($297). Both prices are inclusive of government fees and GST and include all liaison and facilitation with ASIC. We’ll also send you instant email and text alerts and notify you when your business name is up for renewal.
You will need to renew your name every 1 or 3 years, depending on how long it was registered. We’ll send you a notification 30 days before the end of your registration period so you can renew your name.
After submitting your application with us, we’ll reserve your name for you right away. It then takes 3-5 business days for ASIC to review and approve your business name and send us your registration certificates. We’ll email these to you as soon as we receive them, so no need to wait around for the postman!
We know you’re keen to get your name out there, however your business name can only be used after it has been officially reviewed and accepted by ASIC. Business cards and merchandise are expensive to reprint, so it’s best to wait until you receive your registration certificate from ASIC. Don’t worry - we’ll send it to you as soon as we receive it!
Absolutely! You can register as many names as you like on our application form. Just check the box 'Add another business name'. Or simply call our team and we can do it all quickly by phone.
Yes - we’ll email it to you as soon as we receive it from ASIC.
Yes, an ABN is required to secure a business name. For a small extra fee our application includes your ABN registration as part of our service.
If a name is already registered, you will need to select a different name that is available. Prior to May 2012, it was possible to register the same name in a different state, however ASIC has since amended business name ownership to being Australia wide, so only one person can own a particular business name.